Welcome to the website of the linked charges of Aboyne-Dinnet and Cromar. Aboyne-Dinnet Parish Church and Cromar Parish Church are both part of the Church of Scotland.
The Rev Sharmann Maromo was inducted to the linked charge of Aboyne-Dinnet and Cromar Parish Churches on Thursday 18 July. This service can be viewed here.
Our Sunday service times are: Cromar Church at 10:00 hours and Aboyne-Dinnet Church at 11:00 hours. On the last Sunday of the month from April to September inclusive, Songs of Praise are held at Coull Kirk at 18:30 hours.
- The Services from Aboyne-Dinnet Church are streamed live here and can also be viewed at any time thereafter. Recordings of the Aboyne-Dinnet Church service are available on audio CD or video DVD. If you know of anyone who does not have access to the internet but would like to listen to or watch the service weekly, please let one of the Elders know. The audio CD plays in any audio CD player and the video DVD will play in a DVD player attached to a TV.
Fareshare and Foodbank - Details of arrangements and opening hours for food provisions are available here
Hall Hire - Aboyne-Dinnet Church Hall is available for hire - for details see here